Bryce Casamento

Photographer, cinematographer, editor, director, artist, lifeguard, martial artist, programmer, drummer, VFX generalist, SCUBA diver, etc.Providing quality photo, video, and editing services.

See photography
see videography

Bryce Casamento

A few hand selected photos showing a few different styles of Photography. My full portfolio(s) can be found using the links, and prints of my analog work can be found at the prints button.


Bryce Casamento

A few stills from video projects I am working on. A new full-fledged video (and audio) portfolio is coming soon, so that website (found in the links below) will be updated regularly and soon.

Video Stills

Bryce Lucas Media

Please contact me if you have any questions! If you wish to email me directly instead of using the form my email is [email protected]

see videography